Stories are Medicine with Laura Rubin

Laura Rubin of AllSwell and I sit down to discuss how EVERYONE, regardless of age or gender, can benefit from journaling on a mental, emotional, and physiological level. That journaling is a multifaceted and creative space for processing, healing, and gaining deeper insight into yourself. Laura and I take a deep dive into her personal healing practices over the years, which she quotes, “you can shake a rattle at me Gina…I have tried them all but you learn that there is no silver bullet. You create a menu of things to choose from...that work for you.” Currently on her menu is micro dosing psilocybin, writing, a great coach, and lots of time in nature. She discusses the wisdom and perspective gained from battling breast cancer and in the most recent year of 2020…unhooking from the toxic cycle of capitalism, that somehow always being productive and achieving more – would make for a more meaningful life. What she has learned is quite the opposite in a radical slow down that started in 2020 and she wants to continue into 2021.

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