Being Versus Doing

Gina used to be quite good at Doing-Doing-Doing. Pre-pandemic her life was filled with meetings, therapy sessions, collaborations, surfing, constant get the gist. She used to think that she was just "getting after life." But Gina has now learned the valuable lesson of slowing down and learning how to BE (with life, emotions, and stillness).
We live in a culture of productivity. Our identities are tied to and defined by what we're doing and how we are doing it. This has led to a collective hustle for self worth, driven by the non-conscious belief that if we do more, we'll be more. And most of us don't realize that there is a difference between being and doing, or that there is inherent value in our own beingness.
There are a million courses on Mindfulness and Gina has taken too many of them. In this episode, she breaks down the tenets of Mindfulness and what has worked personally for her to live a more fully present life.
To just BE.
She hopes to save you a lot of money and time....and sanity.