Hi! I’m Gina, I always find it difficult to “sum myself up” in a bio…but here I go. I’m a therapist, mother, writer, podcast host, and spiritually curious human. I find that writing my inner landscape down and sharing it… is both terrifying and electrifying. I live for authentic connections and vulnerable conversations. I’d rather be on a silent retreat than attending a large party.
I am somewhat obsessed with exploring our inner landscapes, states of consciousness, and healing intergenerational trauma. I have an ever-expanding curiosity about how we can find a deeper connection with ourselves, the universe, and each other. I am fascinated by why we humans are on this planet, the purpose of our lives, and our relationships.
I became a mother in 2022 and it has single handedly challenged me more than anything I’ve committed to in my life. It has also cracked my heart and spirit open in the most profound ways. AND. Made me look at my shit on an even deeper level.
My spiritual path and connection to “God”, or the “Universe” is one of the most important parts of my life. Sounds a bit new age nauseating when I write it down here, but I truly feel the most connected to myself when I create SPACE to connect with source energy.
Because we are all fragments of the stars.
I believe creating silence and stillness in your life is one of the deepest ways to connect to that space and ultimately yourself. But it’s also not the only way, which is why I created my podcast Spaces Between, to talk with humans about how they get there. Because there are SO many ways…through dancing, a good romp, plant medicine, breath, or laughing uncontrollably with your best friends.
The list goes on.
You know what gets you there.
I also fiercely love my friends and my dog and my partner and my son and nature and riding waves and humans who are fighting against injustice and healing themselves to heal the planet.
With love,