Jenna K: Healing trauma held in the body and softening into the heart: Jenna's psilocybin and MDMA journey

In this conversation, I sit down with my friend Jenna K., to discuss her ceremonies with MDMA and psilocybin.  
We discussed her "Why?" and this space of pain and trauma living in her body - that she couldn't quite access for over a decade with other modalities. It led Jenna to want to explore on a deeper level with plant medicine, to heal what was held in her body for so many years.

Themes within the discussion:

• Feeling the "call" to sit with the plant medicine. 
• The deep surrender to letting go of control.
• Feeling safe enough in the life that she had created, to feel like she would be held through these experiences.
• How her life made sense to her after the initial MDMA journey.
• Her body purging out the trauma during the ceremony.
• The shame and feeling of brokenness when the childhood trauma was revealed.
• That her childhood abuse was not her fault.
• Stepping into her Knowing - that her body and these memories were the truth.
• The deep healing, illuminations, and heart opening within herself.
• The continual and necessary work between ceremonies.
• How to resource oneself after uncovering traumatic material.
• How anger and rage have protected her.
• The need for continual softening.
• That plant medicine is not a "cure all" but dives deeply into traumatic material that needs to be seen and held.
• The connection to spirit in these experiences.