Making Big Life Decisions

At any moment, the decision you make can change the course of your life forever. And once you make a decision the universe will either conspire to make it happen... or maybe it won't... if you believe that some things are predetermined or fated for you. Gina talks about her struggle and indecision of becoming a mother. She has felt the social and biological pressure, and doesn't feel that society offers any affirming reference points (in a positive way), if you choose not to be a mother or actually can't have kids. Women are often perceived as cold, heartless, or something "is wrong with them if they don't want a traditional family." Gina talks about the path of surrender and opening to neutrality around this topic for her. She realizes through all of it, that it is more about a deep and loving relationship with herself, regardless if she has children or not. And that sometimes the design of our life is quite often out of our hands.