Exquisite Risks

Are you feeling the intensity of these times in America?  The collective rage, grief, and disbelief of this regressive and dark moment in this country?  I wrote this episode on what it means to take "Exquisite Risks" in your life, a week before the overturning of Roe V. Wade. At first, I didn't see the connection...but now I see how inextricably interwoven they are.  

In this episode I talk about:

- The previous miscarriage I had and then becoming pregnant the next month.
- Taking Exquisite Risks (based on the work of Tara Brach and Mark Nepo) is all about the shedding of old skin, your old self, and being fully alive and present with new versions of awakening in yourself.
- But that means pushing through the comfort of "your old cocoon" of habitual thoughts, ego, control, and comfort.  
- That we become suffocated in the "cocoon" if you don't open to the exquisite risk of being alive, rather closing off to life and new ways of being.
- As humans we are individually and collectively meant to grow, evolve, shift, change, and as Frederick Nietzche says "The snake that cannot shed it's skin parishes."
- If we don't, we live in arrested development.
- I believe that this country is in a state of dangerously regressive and arrested development.
- BUT we must not become defeated and women must continue to stay in their power because that's what part of this country is terrified of.