In Conversation with Intuitive Therapist Janis R Cohen

Gina sits down with Janis R. Cohen, who is a licensed psychotherapist, clairvoyant, and empath. Janis works with spiritually conscious people who struggle with making decisions and taking actions in their life. She has a successful podcast aptly titled, "The Intuitive Therapist." Gina and Janis sit down to discuss everything related to intuition. How everyone has it, how to tap into it, and listen to it. Gina and Janis talk about her direct approach with clients and how to shift people from spaces of indecision into taking clear action in their lives. Janis talks about how everyone knows their answers and when "push comes to shove", people know what they want and what they don't want...even if their default is "I don't know." We all have a deep knowing within us.

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